Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Inda series, Comfort Food, Throat

Series: Inda
Books: 1) Inda, 2) The Fox, 3) King's Shield, 4) Treason's Shore
Author: Sherwood Smith (totally a fake name, right?)
My thoughts:
I thoroughly enjoy this series, but its not exactly something I'd recommended to my kid if I ever had one you know? At least not while I still considered them a 'kid'. Explicit content, gay sex (but not the actual scene, just the prelude) and brutal violence prevail. I liked book 1 and 2 better than book 3, and have yet to read book 4 (It's on hold in the library for me). Brent recommended the series to me as he was reading it himself. What I like most about it is the TACTICS involved. I mean wow, it's actually realistic, and cunning! The characters are well done, though some are a bit rough, and the plot has many turns and twists. The author has NO qualms about killing off characters, and does not take the tried and true rout for a plot. Usually, I can tell you how things are going to end up fairly quickly, but not with this book. My guess was that Sponge (the younger prince, destined not to be king, and picked on often) was going to rise to the top and Inda was going to help him get there. The series overall seems to have that plot line (Sponge is now king, Inda his war chief)

Although this isn't what I normally read, the book is chock full of magic, intrigue, love, lust, pirates, honor, ship battles, land battles, ghosts, and glory. What I like most is that multiple points of view are given, and there are almost no 'bad guys' as you are given their perspective as well. It is definitely worth another read to sop up any details I may have missed in the first reading of the series.

Book: Throat
Author: R.A. Nelson
My Thoughts: The book was a quick, decent read. It's in the Young adult section, and I read it in a day. It's tactical, like the Inda series and deals with Vampires who are good, and those who are bad. It's got the whole boy-meets-girl thing going, and has a bit of German culture and lore tossed in. Kind of interesting, if you want something breezy.

Book: Comfort Food
Author: Kate Jones
My Thoughts: This book had more heart than Throat, and you could see it was more carefully written. The characters didn't end up where I thought they would, which is nice, but the plot overall was dull. I knew what would happen and how things would end after reading the first chapter. There are a few good cooking tips though, which I do enjoy, and I do like the author's writing style. It's a feel-good book where all the loose ends get taken care of, and the characters develop to be better people by the end of their journey.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

All time Favorite Authors & Books

I'll update this later (and continue updating as I go on). Below is a list of the authors I enjoy the most, and why.


I'm not sure how many people will ever stumble upon this, but I've created this journal so that I write about what books I'm reading, or have read (it's well in the thousands now). I read so much, and I have a tendency to be carnivorous when I hunker into something I really enjoy.

Anyway, hope you enjoy.